Standard RCON commands for server admins

RCON stands for remote console and is a means to change the game server runtime configuration and variables usually referred to as CVARs.
To begin using RCON commands you must initially set the client CVAR rconpassword to the configured server RCON password.

To set the rconpassword CVAR:

/set rconpassword "PASSWORD"

To see a current list of players and their IP, num and score:

/rcon status

To change the server gametype:

/rcon g_gametype "GAMETYPE"
Common gametypes are: sd, dm and tdm

To change the server map:

/rcon map "MAP"
Standard MAP values are:

To kick a player:

/rcon clientkick ID
Where ID correspond to the player listed in the /rcon status command.

To temporary set a join password for the server:

/rcon g_password "PASSWORD"

To temporary change the RCON password:

/rcon rconpassword "PASSWORD"
You must also set your client rconpassword CVAR to the new value.

To gracefully shutdown the server:

/rcon quit

To change weapon configuration:

/rcon scr_allow_m1carbine VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_m1garand VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_enfield VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_bar VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_bren VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_mp40 VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_mp44 VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_sten VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_ppsh VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_fg42 VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_thompson VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_panzerfaust VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_springfield VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_kar98ksniper VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_nagantsniper VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_kar98k VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_nagant VALUE
/rcon scr_allow_mg42 VALUE // (CoDaM)
Where VALUE is 1 to enable and 0 to disable the weapon.

Final note:

You can change any of the server CVARs via RCON, just take a look inside the .cfg files on the server for possible configurations.
If a CVAR contains space you must encapsulate the value with quotes.

Original URL:
Original author: ^THiNK#ALIEN
Author(s): Cato
Created on: 2021-08-27 17:17:18
Last update: 2023-01-16 19:54:36